Breaks free
Infinite Canvases
On the topic of future, from the current advances of technology to the limitless imaginative possibilities we may think of, combined with the introduction (or, reintroduction) of HotGlue leads me to desire a world where the digital interface _____________ from the flatness it subscribes to. Perhaps out of convenience, or intuitiveness we maintain the flat digital interface, but with new technology/the avant-garde comes new ways of contextualizing familiar concepts. The digital realm can consist on any axis, any dimension: Imagine not just scrolling, but walking through an interface; not just reading a panel, but reading every surface of an endless tunnel of info. We have all the necessary navigational tools already: click, drag, scroll (eyetracking, even), as well as the technology to do it (3D models, fractals, " ______________ " etc). The emergence of 360 degree interfaces can occur at any moment, we first just have to understand their potential vitality. As an addendum, I'm imagining a future where we can fully expand upon the tools we have; to reach the potential of current technologies while also succeeding them; to reinvigorate what's assumed of technology.